Find Out The Truth About (Scam Or Legit Site To Meet Ukraine Women)?

 Sep, 18 - 2018   160 comments   ReviewsScams

Website Details:


There are many many Russian/Ukrainian mail order bride sites on the internet. We've investigated a handful of these International dating sites (,,,,, and this review of that we did). Every site that we reviewed turned out to be less than legitimate. With this investigation were focusing on a website called Charmerly has the same layout as a few other sites that we reviewed. One of them that comes to mind is Victoria Hearts looks exactly the same as's a very good chance that both websites are connected and owned by the same people. Our investigation includes registering on the site as a regular member and documenting everything that we find. Below you will find all the evidence that you need to make the right decision about

Real Women Or Fake Profiles? You Be The Judge

One of the things that we found with all of these Russian bride dating services is that all the women look like supermodels. Every single dating profile that we've come across always has an attractive girl in the profile picture. In every single instance it's always the exact same thing, beautiful women in the profile pictures.

Below you can take a look at the screenshot that we provide a showing you just a very small example of the female profiles that we found on the Charmerly website. Circled in red you can see all of these women are all very attractive.Like we mentioned before we've done many reviews on various Russian mail-order bride websites and from what we've seen in those other investigations one of them most popular tactics to lure Western men into using their website and upgrading and purchasing credits is with the fabrication of female profiles that have photos of very attractive looking Russian and Ukrainian women.

As part of the investigative process we always read the terms and conditions page because many times these type of dating sites openly confess to what they're doing. In the situation of in section 11 of the terms and conditions page they state that they "may from time to time create profiles which are maintained created and operated by their employees or contractors".

The screenshot below shows circled in red that all of these women are members of the website, but is it too far-fetched to think that all of these profiles have been created by independent contractors and staff members of the website? Could these profiles also be operated and managed by the same employees and third-party contractors? We think so.

(A screenshot of beautiful women that are supposedly members of the website.)

Do You Really Think That These Women Emailed Us?

Although it may not be blockbuster evidence if you take a look at the screenshot below two different women have taken the time to email us but we're asking you the question do you really think that these women actually emailed us? Or is something else going on here? Personally we believe that these women aren't real members of the website the reason we're saying that is because if we go back to the terms and conditions page the website admits that they do create profiles which are maintained and operated by third-party contractors as well as their own staff members.

If you don't know how works, you need to purchase credits in order to email women on the website. With the hundreds of different reviews that we've done one of the most popular methods of fake dating services is to send people phony email messages. They do this because they know that as a man you are going to reply to the emails and spend money purchasing credits. Although we don't have concrete evidence that this is going on with this particular site this is the most logical conclusion that anyone can come up with.

Send people bogus automated emails or instant messages written by staff or contractors and then you as a member need to purchase credits in order to reply back to the email messages. It's a very simple scam that we've seen hundreds of different times on other websites.

(A screenshot of the two email messages that we received on the website from beautiful Ukrainian women that we believe are not real members of the website.)

Do You Really Think That These Women Messaged Us?

Below we've included screenshots of just a few of the women that have sent us instant messages on the website. Circle in red you can look at their dating profiles, one thing they have in common is that all of them are very beautiful. Back to the terms and conditions page we've already told you a couple times that the website does admit to creating dating profiles that are used on their website. Why would such attractive women be contacting us? We've never spoken or messaged these women. These women have taken the initiative to contact us but why? Are these actually real Ukrainian women that have contacted us out of their own free will or are the messages all fictitious and used as a tool to get us to purchase expensive credits on the website?

(A screenshot of a girl who emailed us, we believe this profile has been created by the websites staff.)

( Screenshot of a girl who sent us a message we don't believe this is a real female profile.)

(Screenshot of a blond girl named Juliya who emailed us but we don't think she's really responsible for sending us the email.)

(Does anyone really think that this woman took the time to email us or do you think that staff members are responsible for it?)

Why Would Russian Women Email A Profile With No Photo In It?

We've included a screenshot of our own dating profile that we've created for this investigative report. Circle in red you can see that we haven't uploaded a photograph to our profile page. But somehow, miraculously beautiful Ukrainian women are emailing us left and right. We're asking you the question how does it make any sense that all these very attractive women would bother wasting their time emailing someone who doesn't even have a photograph on his profile page? It makes absolutely no logical sense at all!

What does make more sense is that staff members and third-party contractors are paid to send out email messages and instant messages to every single man that joins the website. That's why it looks like we're getting emails from all these blondes and brunettes. It's all part of their tactic to get everyone to purchase credits so they can make as much money off of everyone who joins their site as possible.

(This is a screenshot of our dating profile page.)

"IceBreaker Messages" (Fake Email & Instant Messages) Are Sent By "Validated Members" admits in section 7 F of the terms and conditions page that they send something called "IceBreaker" messages which is another term for emails and instant messages that they sent everyone using a "mass messaging service". The tell us that the "IceBreaker" messages are delivered to members using something called "Validated Members". According to their terms and conditions page "Validated Members" are female member profiles that are purchased from various local service providers that they call "suppliers". Although this may sound complicated the bottom line is this. These "Validated Members" are nothing more than female dating profiles that have been purchased in bulk from various so-called "suppliers". These "Validated Members" are NOT real members who have joined the website out of their own free will.

The Terms & Conditions Page

Below we've included excerpts taken from the terms and conditions page which we think are very important to include as evidence of wrongdoing and deception. In one part of the terms they admit that they use validated members to send people messages. This means that they use dating profiles (they have purchased) to send people automated messages that are sent in mass to their own members!. They also admit that they create profiles which are operated by their employees as well as contractors. You can read the most important parts of the terms below or click on this link and read it on their own website.

  • Section #7F We may allow our Validated Members (as defined in Section 12 (Suppliers. Validated Members) below) to choose to send the same message (an "Icebreaker") to a number of other Members, who are selected by an automatic algorithm in order to allocate the attention and activity among Members of our Service. You may receive Icebreakers from the same Validated Member more than once. Icebreakers may be sent through the same channels as ordinary messages, including as a chat message and as a letter.
  • Section #11A: We may, from time to time, create profiles which are created, maintained and managed by our employees (“Staff Profiles”).

Hosting Server Info:

Contact Information :

  • Phone: +1 (877) 750-3516.
  • Addresses: Interactive Holdings Limited, 701 N. Green Valley Parkway, Suite 200, Henderson, NV 89074
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Online Support:

Final Decision:

Based on the evidence specifically found in the terms and conditions page Of (where the website openly admits that they do create profiles and also admits to purchasing credits from what they call suppliers) we strongly urge people to think twice before purchasing credits on If you have any experience will we would really appreciate your input. Please leave a comment below  with how you liked or disliked the website.

File A Report

  • Contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint if you feel that you have been scammed or ripped off.

 Comments 160 comments

  • […] first thing we realized was its similarity to another mail order bride site we just reviewed called Both of these websites have the same layout, they look exactly the same when you log into the […]

    • Ben FInkel says:

      HI. I personally know an translator that worked for Victoria Hearts, Victoria Bride and Anastasia Date.  In conversation we shared exactly how the scams are performed-even the pictures with gifts.  In some ways all the profiles are fake! Why? Many women make money from their profiles. An interpreter is used by way of chatting with the man wherby the actual girl in the profile never recieves chats or mails from within the site becuase it is front-ended by the iterpreter.  The interepretor will ask you to view vidoes and pictures for addiotnsal credits. Wanna' know more…message me on Facebook!

    • dan becker says:

      Charmerly has to be a fraud.  One thing is clear.  The people writing messasges from the site are not the ones in the photos.  

      • Frank Mackall says:

        You are 100% correct. I have thrice caught the "ladies" in lies they tried to explain away. Most recently, I had spoken to some women on months back. I recently joined Charmerly, and started seeing the same pictures of ladies from VictoriaHearts. When I tried talking with them, the same "you is very good looking" and other misspoken (written) messages. When I reminded them that they actually knew me from another site, they feigned ignorance…until the next day. Then, after the fake ladies were able to check from the other sites how we knew eachother, they started "remembering" things we had chatted about. I am doe with those fake sites. I was even banned from a site because my credit card info was stolen, charges to the site were made, and I requested refunds for the fraudulant activity. The bank hurt the sites in their pocket books but back charging for the fraudulant usuage. I was even threatened financially if I didn't remove my claim of fraud.


        • Harry says:

          I’ve had several women text me under different numbers. Tried to get me to send money. Turns out under further review same woman did all texts. Sent pics each with different hair style some wigs some with make up and some without. Always different angles in pic shots. Thankfully I didn’t fall for the scam…

        • Bruce says:

          Hey! Sorry about your being duped. I was too. Now is there any legal course of action to recoup a y funds or refund policy that I might be able to t?

      • Colin says:

        YES THESE WOMEN ? THEY USE PSYCHOLOGICAL TACTICS TO GET YOU TO SPEND MONEY .I have tested many profiles even 50 year olds they will use any tactics to get you to stay on the sight & spend money on credits..Luckily I have not spent too much money. I HAVE SPENT A LOT OF TIME IN CHAT WITH SOPHIA 35 FROM MOSCOW, who says she is Psychologist. IMPOSSIBLE SHE IS ONLINE NEARLY 20 HOURS A DAY The photos on her profile belong to SOPHIA FORTE ( small time model ). I think I am possibly chatting with her some of the time ( she admits to having a drug problem ). This is common with the girls, Another 30 yr old model ( also with cocaine problem ) was reported to scam busters site for conning a guy out £1500 ? for her contact details .THESE WOMEN ARE NOT INTERESTED IN YOU JUST YOUR MONEY.. I AM NOT A LOSER. I AM MUSCULAR + REASONABLE LOOKING

        • Colin says:

          AS A CONTINUATION FROM MY PREVIOUS POST. YOU HAVE TO REALIZE. THAT IN UKRAINE & RUSSIA, EVEN IF THEY HAVE A JOB, WAGES ARE LOW eg A Doctors take home pay is about $700 a month. SO THESE GIRLS ARE TEMPTED TO GET INVOLVED IN THESE CON TRICKS. There are advertisements from sites like Charmerly, that lure these girls in too make easy money ( you can t blame them ).I EXPECT SOME GUYS WILL READ THESE POSTS, & BELIEVE THEY ARE DIFFERENT, & THAT THESE GIRLS ARE REALLY IN LOVE WITH THEM. I am concerned about the emotional effects, it will have on them, when they realize they have been conned, especially if they are unstable.

          • COLIN says:

            ** I would like to add that I spelled SOPHIA WRONG on my first post SHOULD BE SOFIA….ALSO BE AWARE OF TEXT MESSAGE PHOTO s. This is a gang + individuals operating out of Accra Ghana with stolen pics.. THEY USE PORNSTARS JELENA JENSAN’ S PICS A LOT. I have left a message on her facebook page, informing her of this but no response. I still go to charmerly to have fun, without spending money , better than watching TV..just like their pics and send winks.I HAVE EVEN BEEN BLOCKED FROM SEVERAL PROFILES ( why naughty pics ? ).. ALSO YOU HAVE TO REALIZE THAT A LOT OF THE MESSAGES ARE COMPUTER GENERATED. ALSO YOUR NAME ON CARD IS DONE WITH COMPUTER.. A SCAMMER I GOT FRIENDLY WITH ON HANGOUTS TOLD ME HOW THEY DO THIS.

          • Colin says:


        • B.B.H. says:

          Muscle has nothing to do with “NOT A LOSER”. Three top ivy league universities did an exhaustive study and found 86.7% of males that go to “fitness” centers and hoist heavy objects for a minimum of 1 hr a day were (by profession, income and avocation) considered “dead-ringer” Losers. Conclusion: Placing amino acids on the bones your paternal gamete donors contributed to “you” do NOT a WINNER make. Work on that.

          • COLIN says:

            Dear BBH.I DO NOT SEE WHAT RELEVANCE YOUR POST HAS .In regard to scammer w/sites….I just stated that I am a reasonably attractive man ( never been to gym just fit through my occupation ) I am well known performer, I have also posted pic s on my profile posing /working on my expensive car collection..I DO NOT USE MY REAL NAME..** IF ANY OF THESE GIRLS WHERE REAL.. THEY WOULD HAVE CONTACTED ME BY EMAIL BY NOW I HAVE 5000 THAT LIKE ME ???. I have girlfriends here, but fancy an exotic beauty from Ukraine..IT LOOKS LIKE I WILL HAVE TO GO THERE IN PERSON.. FLIGHT IS CHEAP + NO VISA

    • Adam says:

      Personally I have been having fun with these fake profile sites. I get to read letters, thousands of ladies clawing at me and I don’t spend s dime! I just like on all their pictures and this drives the site crazy!! I figured if they are going to try scam the men out of their money…which I have not seen one positive result of these sites (physically) testimonials can be made up as well! Keep ahold of your money 99% of these sites are fake! Maybe one or two are legit and you can tell they don’t use supermodel to gain your attention. You actually have to work at it. This mentality that an 18 year old wants a 50-70 year old guy is a myth. Age does matter to these women regardless what these sites say. Just do your home work. I have seen plenty of interviews and they will tell you the opposite about the age gap synopsis. 10-15 acceptable…not 50 years! That falls in the same category as gold diggers and country evacuation. Problem is there are so many of these piping up every day even if we had an internet police it would be costly to do all the investigation to see if they are legit. Criteria can be set but when you go from site to site just read the fine print, not all the profiles are real and that’s how they get by from the legal standpoint. Also take into account with AI being used more and more these sites are going to rake in the money because the computers will use images to lure the men in. It’s already been happening!! Keep your peepers open guys!!

    • David says:

      I just caught Charmerly in a lie. I just got messaged from a “so-called” woman on their site that I SPENT 3 days with in Kiev. So I know that this is not her messaging me. I asked the “person” what your dogs name is. She could not answer. Lawsuit !!!

      • David says:

        I received a credit from them for $600 USD. 😎😎😎

        • Shawn says:

          How did you get your money back?

        • Shawn says:

          How did you get your money back? I have been duped by this website!

        • Rocky Ortega says:

          What a load of BS David u were probably payed by charmerly to say this as they ARE fraudsters taking money twice from my bank account WITHOUT my authorisation which my bank has refunded back to & sending their own fraud squad team into investigate, also my bank are in PROCESS of CHANGING my card to a new account number so charmerly can't access my bank account ever. Just like colin mentioned i would rather fly over to Russia with my mates & get the REAL thing.

    • Martin says:

      I Admit I joined and Bought credits to Chat Mainly to Help Myself gain confidence to enter the Dating scene again after 20yr marriage ending in divorce.. ohv yeh I was Silly to Do So
      But Now..after being hounded for all reasons to Pay or Send money!! Every woman was the Same All taking Not long at all to Go Straight to Need of Money
      . Strange I picked up on this & Now they won’t even Send a Reply from Emails I’ve Sent Asking of Help to help to Log in again?? I want to Delete profile But Without logging in🤔 is there a way to Delete such a Profile as I’m Having Exact trouble with NO Replies from the Dodgy
      So All that is happening Now is those 2 Sites alone are Filling the Emails with this & that ..woman sending messages to My Email and Very Quickly filling Up Space And Data in my Phone
      So Frustrating finding No Help at Moment on Just How to Escape this issue I put myself in… They are All Scammers as They Seem to Never Actually Answer to Questions of Themselves and Diverting around Any information Yet Frequently Ask You the Same Questions of Your Person l to Gather as much as they Can? to Find out just how financial you Are… Before Rushing Straight back to Financial Help hmmm Before they can Fly straight into Your living Arms And Love You to the Hi highest of Loyalty No Matter Who you are What You look like What your lifestyle How You Live Or Where you live!!!# Just Unconditionally Want to Love & Look after You for Rest of Life!!!!!!!? I Tried to Find out Who they Are As to b Interested in Such a Loving Woman Who Would Do Anything for You to B With You and I’ve been like locked out of the Site Only Recieving All kinds of interest in Me!! With No Way of Me Replying or Logging in to put a Stop to This?? I’m desperate for Help to b Steered in the Right Direction to Sort My Life back to Somewhat Normal Again!!
      As I’m Now in a Relationship & With My phone lighting Up with These 2 Sites I’m Affraid Will Event take its Toll !!?
      I’ve Read A lot of Comments of What Other Users have Experienced and Learnt
      .. With All Very Writers that Share are Very Right in What these Scammers are Doing & it Stinks…

      • bernard says:

        Hi my name is Bernard. I too am having problems deleting my account with this charmerly site. Their pages are also covered with other scammers from u.s.a. and Ghana all with no photos and some with photos advertising their text numbers and email addresses always with gmail..I admit the womens photos are like supermodels and even I am vary wary with these people… my only suggestion is to start off from scratch… use another phone for your friends appointments and so on also set yourself up with new e mail addresses which is easy to do…you could have your own fun with charmerly sort of payback…if you use their contact section to complain about scammers and so on they give you free credits or if you also say you are leaving their site you are given more free credits, I do this all the time now and I find it is even better when you can lie to these women because you know these people are not really the ones you are in contact with just some punter at a desk feeding you a load of crap so my advice is do the same to them…you will also find out the ones giving you free credits are also different people not one and not the same person….My concusion is if you need a foreign woman go to their country,believe me you will find one …all dating sites in the uk are really scams and all the cupid sites. My partner is Russian and I found her myself by flying to Moscow and spending my holiday in Russia,now we are together here in the uk…my advice to anyone searching for a Ukrainian woman or Russian woman is fly to their country you will soon find one. I hope you too have also come with a solution for the charmerly site but for me I have my payback fun with them and would advice every man to do the same…good luck my friend and to every one. bernard

      • Jim says:

        Change your email. it is so easy. Then delete the old one from your phone. Problem solved.

      • Michael says:

        juswt log off the site

    • Brian says:

      I somehow sent myself a wink on this site, and a message and mail. Don’t waste your time or money. Fake fake fake.

    • Karl says:

      This sight is a scam!!!!! Avoid!!!! I am convinced, after 2 months on the site, that 90% of the women there were either staged, posed, etc. I engaged in serious dialog with 3 girls, then both had the time and money to propose going there to Ukraine, indicating to each of them that I wanted to come. Prior to that, all 3 had told me things like they were “in love”, wanted to see pics of me 24/7, “can’t stop thinking about you”, etc. Yet when I proposed coming -2/3 months off, all 3 made excuses not to see me. They were imposters. Finally, I did go and see 1 girl who I had exchanged personal contacts with and her and I are now in a relationship. She gave me the inside scoop…said she was a paid/staged worker for “the site”, and that men like me were the “intended profit targets.”

    • Frank says:

      I have traveled to Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova and Romania several times over the past 10 years for business. I have dated several women from these countries and I remain great friends with all of them. When you mention these sites to people, women and men, from these countries they just laugh. They know its a scam. I know a few of the letter-writers and they are trained to keep men “hooked” as long as possible. I also know a few of the photo models and they earn some money for their images and have some control but they do not have any idea what their photos are utilized for or with whom.
      If you want to meet women from these areas GO THERE! They are beautiful and traditional and good Moms and lonely but they want to be treated with respect not as an object.
      By the way, if a gorgeous women messages you at 3:30 am on a Wednesday and is online all night long, well…use your sense of logic. And, if a drop-dead 25 year-old says she is a doctor yet wants to live wit a 55-yera old from another country, well…use your sense of logic!!!!

    • PeterB says:

      I just keep them going, get constant likes, messages and emails from the most beautiful women 😂😂😂
      I like, wink and add favourite back then like all the profiles photo’s 😂😂😂 then they message/email me back sending video or audio messages and more photos and messages (wanting me to spend ‘credits’) and I just ‘like’ all their profile photos again and again 😂😂😂
      Never spent any money on this site never will…and it drives them nuts 😂😂😂

    • Joe says:

      So here’s my question are there any of the sites at all did have legitimate chicks on there who are looking for a guy?

    • Randy Pederson says:

      Was on there for less than 8 hours no profile at all and had over 300 messages emails and videos. One thing I do is use a prepaid debit card if there bank is off shore it won't work and then you know it's a scam. They don't want the feds to take there money. Sure haven't got on alot of sites but I have saved alot of money. Spdate accused me of rape Sunday night. I said to one of the members "nice ass" and they said I was a rapest. Plus I met some 16 year olds on there. Couldn't delete my stuff fast enough. 

    • Todd Behrnes says:

      They have been hacking me for 3 and 1/2 years almost 4 years they called it a first-class hacking job I can’t get rid of them they destroy every phone I buy and it just won’t quit they have stole money from me and out of my bank account to continue to still go in my bank account after several disputes that they were found at fault they had errors in their building statements they still won’t quit hacking me as of right now today

  • Frank Mendola says:

    I’ve signed up on this Charmerly several weeks ago  -and yes all of the women look like Super models ! Unbelievable! I found two that I liked -but could not get them to leave the site – all would say, but I’m comfortable here? I’d check from time to time and they were always online – telling me “Frank you are the only one” and at an average of 100 dollars a day to text -this is crazy ! And why would the love of your life be on the date site day and night ? Just looking at photos ? Hmmmmm – and again not one  would leave this site -only keeping you on long enough to drain all your credits -doesn’t make sense when there are so many free ways to text back and forth -WhatsApp or hangouts or SKYPE- I’d say definitely a scam  – you’ll spend literally hundreds if not thousands on credits to text ! I was up to 1600 messages from women ? That can’t be real – I mean I’m attractive but not Brad Pitt ! -and this doesn’t even address the question of -are these the real women in the photos -that you are typing ? I mean a beautiful stunning woman can have any man she wants right? Yes there are a few average looking woman as well but………

    my advice is to stay away – I’m calling scam 

    stay safe don’t blow thousands on nothing 


    • Admin says: is a con you are right!

      • Steven says:

        Definitely a scam. There are tons of beautiful women to attract lots of guys. The girls all think they are pretty and waiting for their prince charming…..but on the flip side of the coin you are required by the site to spend a minimum of 3000 credits in order to purchase your beautiful girls full name, cell number and address. This is between $850 and $1000 USD. That is a full paycheck for many of us. In addition to that you may send gifts to your girl, but the gifts you send are double the price of what you would normally pay for the item. Yes shipping is expensive, but not THAT EXPENSIVE!

        • James says:

          Yep met a lady on Charmerly and next thing I know I’m getting hit with $99. Over 10 times that I didn’t use credit card go in touch with me and I canceled card they got $1000 back for me now I’m band from the site f—/ them scammers

    • Tony says:

      I only got scamed for $85.00 bucks. I so called chatted with one. Four days after the chat I get an e-mail acting like the chat never happened. ( I have copies of that chat ) They use mannequins in some of the female pro filr photos.

      • Dave says:

        How do i get off this web site just looked didnt resond to any of them scam to good looking been ssking them to delect me they wont don’t understand all this not good on phone/ computer HELP. [email protected]

    • Frank Mackall says:

      Up to 1600? I was about to break into the 10000's before I finally caught them in lies and falsehoods. And those were just the messages I didn't respond to.


      The other Frank

    • Adam says:

      So I am registered on both sites including a half a dozen others! I do investigative journalism as s hobby and when I say most and do mean most of these sites are scams. Example a lot of profiles are passed around to multiple sites to attract the men. What I have noticed some state they have children on one but not another! Professions are different. They explain total different characterization on each one. I called one out after she was bugging me from site to site. It was asked if she recognized me? She said yes and I told her or whomever was on the other side that you are being investigated for fraudulent misuse….she left quickly!!! I am not saying all the women if Ukraine are like this, but more and more of these sites are popping up. Be diligent. Do your homework. By the way it only cost me 2.99 at those sites to get what I needed. I feel it’s my duty to warn the men out there!!

      • Ted says:

        Hi Adam, would you mind sharing your tips with me? I think I’ve been hook-line-and-sinkered on Bravodate but this can happen your life goes tits-up. How you managed to keep your costs down to 2.99 is a marvel – but then YOU know what you’re doing! Thanks if you’re able to help steer me away from more trouble!

      • Andy says:

        Hi Adam I’m on Victoria hearts. Have been for a year. paid a lot for two emails, one lady has no idea I have a email and will not to use it. Another lady went just after she said her email was hacked. Down a lot of money. I’m talking to three ladies who seemed pretty genuine. But one supposedly has a child and cannot afford to leave the country. Another one is an HR in a business and she was with me all day today so I wonder if she actually is. I only want 35 to 40 year old. I’ve asked for my money back for email but they keep saying they haven’t got enough information andy

    • Ted says:

      Thanks Frank – my experience too, though not from this site. Oh well, pity they were all so… nice…

    • ayan says:

      hello.. so these side is fraud

    • Peers says:

      Bravodate is under the same clone same credit system and identical set up but what I will do is ask for a selfie because the selfies are nothing like the real pictures on the profile because theyAre airbrushed.

  • Thomas says:

    Experienced the same thing as Frank (above) did. They don’t want to leave the site, I told them to write me on my personal email that I gave them in pieces but no respons, I even gave them the name of the hotel in Kiev I stayed in, and my full name.. The answer was, but can’t you stay and chat! I regret not looking through the profiles before I signed up! This is a classic example of scam profiles, I visit Ukraine a lot in work and when I looked at the site I saw at least three famous models from Ukraine! And I have a real hard time to believe that they use this service! I contacted the support and gave them name, Instagramprofiles, fbprofiles and in some cases the models homepage! Absolutely nothing happened, and this is four weeks ago.. And when I looked up the cost to get the personal emails and phone nr to the women it’s 600€ each😳 


    So take a good advice, keep away from this site, it’s fake from start to finish. Pay the planeticket to Ukraine and book a hotel instead, the people are very friendly and the women are beautiful, and I think you have better luck when you actually see who your talking to, visit Kiev or Odessa, great places to have a nice vacation for almost no money at all.. 

    • Matt says:

      Thx Thomas for ur review.
      Sent my Saturday morning in bed watching movies and playing on the Ukraine site BravoDate. $ 2.99 and $19.99 is as far as I went. Checked out Kiev on the internet and thinking of visiting the place myself. Checking out becoming an Expat in a few years and would like to be with 50+ yr old for companionship in their own world. Think they would like that better than starting new in the States. Any advice as far as Hotel, were to meet legit dating women. How the monies comprised to the USD. Not liking the Asian Expat thing but really haven’t found the better areas away from the young ladies.

    • Peers says:

      I was thinking of doing this is exactly the same going there and seeing for myself although one of my contacts on the site was a travel agent she was telling me about Odessa so I’m very tempted to go It looks quite a nice place to have a holiday with some beautiful women thrown in

  • Scott says:

    I had 2 women want me to send the large amounts of money to come to us to meet me . I asked  for their cell phone numbers they spilt  What a scam . This and russian brides 

  • Tony says:

    I only got scammed for $85.00. I so called chatted with one. Four days after the chat I get an e-mail acting like the chat never happened. ( I made copies of that chat and the e-mails. I have also noticed that they sometimes use mannequins in some of the pro file photos. They have another site called that use alot of other so called females from Charmerly.

    • Ted says:

      Hi Tony, have you used Bravodate? I have been recently and am gradually, and regretfully as I’ve had some super ‘chats’, thinking after reading the comments in these reviews, that even the real sweeties may not really be who they say they are. Would be interested to hear your thoughts/experiences. Oh what a pretty face can do to us blokes! Thanks, Ted

    • Alan says:

      Been chatting to one lady for 5 days, all adds up, told her to contact me directly but she said they “ werent allowed”,all seems too good to be true never mind only wasted £60

  • Philip says:

    Came to site and all of a sudden I am popular. Every day at least 50 very attractive women messaging me,funny thing is I have no picture on my profile. Don' be played by con artists

  • mark davar says:

    guys I deleted my profile pictures and set my age to 74Y old man, I get the same responses of young girls, and they send me CHAT messages and emails , I have a feeling these messages come from auto computer programs in a boiler room with some girls sitting on chairs and wating for victums. Wow what a scammers..I hove over 2000 messages in 2 weeks…I beliee a low percentages are real womens and 80% are fakes.

  • Jaime says:

    After spending two months of my free time on this site, I'm left with the sensation this company(Charmerly) wants nothing more than your money period. True, the photos in the profiles are of very beautiful women, so many of them, and they keep returning after I ignore them, why would they consistently return? It does not make sense to take such refusal. Every time I'm on the site, the same beautiful women return without any response from me. Which is another story altogether? So, my advice is to stay away. It's a waste of your time and money.

    • Steve says:

      Take a look at these women’s profiles at what they do for a living. Doctor? Dentist? Lawyer? Yeah, right!! If they’re anything they’re beautiful models. Period.

      • Donald G. Kite says:

        Hello Steve. You are correct Charmerly has gotta be a scam. Fortunately, I caught onto this scam and quite honestly, I cannot believe I got into this. But I gotta admit I did not spend much money buying credits. I caught on to that scheme very fast. For example, the policy is that you can view the first photo in a string of photos for free. Otherwise, you pay to see others. And 50 credits for seeing a video? Give me a frigging’ break. What really puzzled me about some of these beautiful Ukrainian ladies is what they do for a living. Doctors, dentists, lawyers??? Why would a professional like that be advertising themselves on this site is beyond me! I gotta admit, they are beautiful indeed. None of them have asked be for money. The bottom line? I have better things to do with my time.

  • JEFFRYAN says:

    hey im here to check out  this site oue  



  • Carlo says:

    this site is a scam, somebody need to close this site

  • Tony Keilar says:

    I was logged onto ukrainiancharm and got bombarded by no fewer than 4500 woman and discovered that it is exactly the same as charmerly except that the womens' knowledge of English and their knowledge of their own language did not appear. I met one woman who seemed 'sincere' was about my age group whom I messaged a number of times and even got an immediate photo of her and her daughter together. This engagement with her occurred on both sites. I am realistic with whom I would like, I'm not after a filipino mail order bride who is much younger than myself. To actually meet them or even email them seems like a costly exercise so I've decided to save mh money.

  • Paul says:

    Here is my logic for why and at the same time Natashaclub i.e. Ukrainianwomen are also questionable.

    I've been on Ukrainianwoman for a long time, ten thousand letters written to me, although I haven't contacted anyone for a long time.

    The traffic to my page has greatly decreased, I think because I haven't spent any money.  Finally I decided  to try another site to see what would happen. I tried Charmerly. It felt good to get over 400 letters plus all those messages  in three day, I must be great again! 

    My picture has been at Ukrainianwoman for all that time. I started  to get contacts from the same girls at Charmerly who were at Ukrainianwomen. Over 25. Not one recognized my picture. All had sent letter and many 'smiles'.

    The sad thing for me was the girl I have the 'hots' for at Ukrainianwomen was the very first girl at Charnerly to write me. She wrote her standard letter plus over 25 'smiles'. She nor any of the girls recognized me,not one.  From what they have told me I'm the most wonderful and good looking man on earth, yet none recognized me despite being there for years.

    This is more of indictment of the system then all the girls on the site. Most of the girls I wrote I think were 'real'.  One broke my heart and broke up with me. If she was fake she could have kept me on the hook at $12 a letter forever.

    Have I given up? Mostly.  If I spend any money I will be in UKRAINE  and set up a real person meeting,


    • Ted says:

      Hi Paul, thanks for writing your comments. I don’t know how long ago you wrote them – just wondering if you have made that trip to Ukraine yet, and have any tips? If so, I’d be glad to hear them, if not, good luck when you go. By the way, have you tried Poland? They’re not exactly ugly there, either! Thanks, Ted

    • Mark W. De Longville says:

      Hi Paul — you have a very good undertstanding of the scamming happening at Charmerly, so take your own advice and be very street smart in dealing with the “validated ladies” at Charmerly. How do I know this? …because I have had 4 months expereince using Charmerly and it has cost me about $4,000 to $4,500 AUS dollars. Yes … likewise ..broken heart after long marriage breakdown. And agree as well that $12 letter cost is a “small price to pay” to keep the feeling of being loved by a beautiful Ukranian 30 something woman – I am 58 years old. Cheers. Mark.

  • Keith B. Peterson says:

    I like the reporting of your site. Not too many have the STRENGTH to admit to being fooled.

    As for me…I am looking for a scam busting website that could expose and detail a woman if I submit a photo and dating site ID.

    My subject is very clever and seems to have continuity with her narrative. I ask myself the same questions as do the others here; case in point, when I read, "Although there are many who are real but most are fake" in a review, I am at a crossroads of between fake and real. She did send a photo of herself HOLDING a card with my name on it, as I requested.

    Yes, there are the objections to leaving the site and not doing outside social media. Her promise is to give her PII when we meet.

    This one is too close to call for me. Perhaps you can advise about an ID by photo site, or any further steps to confirm or expose without sacrificing the relationship if by the chance she turns out to be real?

    • Stu says:

      Rip & Scam is a website that you may like?


    • Larry says:

      One of the tip offs fotvthese sites is that they all make a big deal of telling you that these beautiful women will "make the first move".  No shit, they are like street Walkers if you make eye contact, it's "Hi big boy I am in love with you, you're the one for me!!"

      I once put in my profile that I wasn't going to spend any money for credits and if they sincerely wanted to chat, email etc , maybe they could pay for credits for me. Of course none of these women who profess to be hot to meet a 72 year old, short, bald dude ever made mention of this proposal.

    • Harry F. says:

      I have been on Charmerly for about four weeks but have spent no money although tempted by the offers and questions these beautiful women write about. But something tells me to hold on for more info. Thanks to your site here, things are confirmed.  Why would such beautiful women be so desperate for mates that they would send endless notes to me, thought by them to be about 75  years old? Even 19 year olds in a culture supposed to be enamored of older men? A bit far fetched!!! And some notes repeated over and over like a run away computer. So we have a library of beautiful, photo shopped women,  used as bait to get us impressed men to throw some money in the pot so we can give them the assurance that we will rescue them from their sad life of insensitive men in their country. Is that Heaven on earth or what if it was real? When I show pictures of these women to my buddies !! They wish they were single too. Now they will know ….if it’s too good to be true, it probably is. And these women probably know nothing about how their photos are being used. Has anyone got a wife out of all this?


    • Ted says:

      Similar to my experience, Keith – ‘all will be given when we meet’ – but how many actually meet? And what other hurdles do we have to cross before we get there?

    • Tom says:

      Hi, Keith. Chances are that the woman who’s picture you see in the profile is real but that the profile is “operated” by someone else. I actually went to Ukraine in Dec. 2018 to meet 3 women who I made contact with ( one on Charmerly, and 2 from another site) The woman I met on Charmerly was indeed the woman in the photos, but she seemed to have very little recollection of the things we discussed. and as I looked back over the chat after I got home I noticed that she got the age of her daughter wrong! Also she tried to contact me again after I got home ( we are now chatting exclusively on WhattsApp) as if we had never met. Yes, she is real, beautiful and I like her a lot, just be aware that when you are chatting you may be chatting with Julian not Julia ! Get the contact info of the woman you like, then get off the site and go see her. If she refuses to communicate off site, she’s probably an employee.
      The woman I met told me in person that she does not use e-mail, yet I received no less than three e-mails from her before going to see her, so just getting contact info may not lead to success. Be careful!

    • Albert says:

      Keith, don’t be an idiot. They are scammers. They just pay those girls a small fee for their pictures and then they have guys with some English knowledge sitting and typing the replies, sometimes if the girl is local they can call her to come and take those “real” pictures, but that rarely happens, only if the guy spends a lot of money there and the girls is local. My advice to all, look in the mirror and check your date of birth before sending money to be able to reply to all the young and beautiful girls (who are doctors and lawyers) who just love you “with all their hearts” in spite you being fat and old and ugly. Please use COMMON SENSE and LOGIC.

  • Robert says:

    Somebody needs to close down charmerly, loveswans and Anastasia date. Total scams 

    • Peers says:

      And close bravo date they are under the same umbrella

      • Ted says:

        Yes Peers – many women on Bravodate also appear on Charmerly with the same ID no. and photos! There are several other sites using many of the same photos (eg, USSR Star, One in Million, Marmeladies..). I was writing to 3 lovely lasses each of whom said they had only just joined Bravodate, yet were writing only to me (doesn’t make sense to write to only one man if you’ve only just joined)… when I opened an account under a different name in Charmerly they soon started writing to me there too – sometimes to both my accounts at once! None of them could send me a photo of their local street, or the roses I was foolish enough to send one displayed in her flat – no sensible reason for not supplying photos ever given. Also impossible to send a posted letter (though the Ukraine postal service is notorious) nor be granted a phone no. When you do get their email address it isn’t with a major provider, and the emails soon dry up. I could go on but… I’m just sick of the lies now… When you stop writing, they pester you with angry messages! And they seem to know when you’re writing to other women too – as well as what you’re writing – so obviously they’re working for the site…

  • Louisa says:

    Well Gerhard Dupreez has a girlfriend but he lies

  • Robert says:

    Add LOVINGFEEL to the Charmerly list of clone sites … same everything with new branding and Chinese models instead of Ukrainian. BEWARE ALL. 

  • Used & Abused says:

    Yes I agree with the consensus arrived at above, its a complete SCAM.  I reluctantly came to this conclusion after spending about $US150 on the site communicating with just one of the 43 year old super models named Olga from Khmelnytskyi.  Yes, she wanted me to come to visit and sugested next January 2019 – because she was busy at work as a womens fashion designer.   She had irregular working hours and was ALWAYS online, even when she was at work.  Her explanation was it wss her lunch hour or she started late that day, or was working late that night. One evening I checked the time in odessa before asking her when she was going to go to bed.  It was 3am. After 3 minutes she responded with the correct time in Odessa and said that she had stayed up late because she didnt start work till 10am.  Its all lies, smole and mirrors, designed to suck you in to paying  more money for the love of your life.  Clearly they have no concern for male emotions.  Incidentally I found the same Olga had also been on Victoria Brides three years ealier and so that made me realise that she had been doing this scam for at least 3 years!!  Why does a gorgeous woman wait three years to find a partner?  A:  she's probably already married and farming these pictures out of her as a 30 year old model  is her day job, ie she's paid for every connection and a commission on every dollar that you spend.   Sad, but  if someone starts a class action against these Nevada Corporations, count me in !!   And a 'Name and shame' site would do wonders – so that if there really are deserving women out there, they can at least be seen.

    • Jenny W says:

      I just found my boyfriend is receiving emails from Charmerly… I have been wasting my time and life with him for nothing.

      • Pieter says:

        Sorry to hear that Jenny, weklitis a faje anyway, you can chat with if tou want to


      • Pieter says:

        Sorry to hear that Jenny, you can chat with, it is a fake site

      • Frank Mackall says:

        At least he's "only" a boyfriend. My wife had put up with this addictive behavior of mine for way to long. She finally "kicked me out" of our home, and yet I was still addicted. I am a medically retired Police Officer, I should know better, but the addictive behavior was being amplified by a med I was taking for my TBI. No more…I just hope I stopped soon enough to save my marriage.

      • Texas Sun says:

        Oh my gosh, me as well! Who’s loss is it really?!!!

      • Peers says:

        Don’t worry Jenny they are only computer generated clones he won’t get any where with them

      • Jerry kojo says:

        So sorry Jenny there’s somebody better for you out there hang in there

  • Charles Sticher says:

    Yes, I got scammed for $70 which was stupid of me for I knew it was a scam to start off with . Just as you have said 99% of the weman look like super models. Im asking these 20 yr olds if they really think they can be happy with a 53 yr old and Im getting nothing but positive feedback from them all. Even after ignoring them for several weeks they still persist to try to get me to talk to them. And they will lay it on heavy with the sexual comments and photos. I have several sending me videos tha at 50 credits a piece I absolutely refuse to watch them and have stated it to a couple that continue to send them to me. Yes I agree that this is a scam which is sad because of the possible 1% of the weman that are using the sight to try and find a good man. Charles

  • Paul says:

    I haven't seen one positive thing about this site and the comments I must admit I think I got scammed do they won't leave the site they won't use text message even though you let them know that there are translating apps that they can download for free and then text you via phone they say they're comfortable there they are comfortable using the site and it's easier sounds like some ones making money by getting you to spend credits chatting to them

  • Chris T says:

    Add me to the list of calling this site a scam. I spent over $300 communicating with one lady over several days. Then suddenly one day, her voice completely changed, she asked some of the same questions she already knew the answer to, and most obvious of all, she used someone else's name to address me in the letter she sent. All after claiming she was not communicating with anyone else on the site. I asked for a refund, figuring this was a Staff Profile as seen in the Ts and Cs, that they would refund the money I had spent. But no, they would not admit that it was, and blamed everything on "the lady". It is a scam from the word Go. I believe almost all the profiles are Staff Profiles. They can afford to pay women to sit and communicate with men, when the men are paying around $50 an hour …. there is plenty left for profit after paying the women minimum wage.

  • Bob says:

    I have to admit I fell for the site called anistasia date. Met a beautiful blonde named Larisa. She said she was a doctor in Moscow but moved to Kiev to become a hairdresser. I spent five months and a lot of money chatting with her. I had planned to visit her but decided against it. I hate to admit she sucked me in for thousands in chat and ppl. Now she’s on love swans and charmerly. She never asked me to send her money but the credits were very expensive. I think I will go over there in 2019 and take my  chances. I liked her photos on Charmerly and she didn’t even know who I was. Read an article the other day the FBI is I’m investigating all of the sites. Bob from Cape Cod 

  • LeCrae says:

    I think your  right about  them at Charmerly ,perhaps a few are real .   ..going there to that land ,might not produce desired results with so much false face delusian to draw in the unsuspecting client , The EMbassy there in their land can also throw one for a loop after getting as much money from the seeker of wife there ,with the deceptive ploy of now that you have spent your savings for what one believed was legit , They say well now the moment of truth do you have 50K (50,000) in the bank hah ,who would admit that if he did /? these Boys running this have an axe to grind , called yankees picked  like cotton ,..well all that did happen to me when I went to COlombia in 2004 ,the girl was aright ,but I began to realize the Colombian Embassy was not looking for money only ,but enjoying the ruse of you believing they had you by the short hairs ,..a Bribe ? (all lies ?) no they did me a favor by not allowing the Visa for her ,..a lady from Ecuador back home in USA told me if I had relations (sexual with her ,producing a child ,that would have trapped me for new troubles and Thank God that was not the case ,…now if a man wanted one bad go live there first an see what ex-patriots know about that life ,with that wife ….Good luck ,..marriage is not for Cowards …LeCrae of Washington state ,near Everett .

  • Anonymous says:

    I have been with charmley for over a week. Most of them are scams but there are a few legitimate 1s. Easy way is ask them for a selfie giving a v for victory. But the few ladies who did reply like I requested also told me they are not allowed to contact you directly. It is in the agreement they signed that got me thinking something wrong with this site. Got 1 who wants to meet me. And she is willing to travel to my home town. Scam or not I will wait. If noone turns up then it is definatly a scam

  • Michael says:

    I am a 60 year old man from Canada, I have been on all of the sites and spent year investigating Victoria Hearts, Charmerly, Love Swans, Anastasia Date, just to name a few. I spent thousands of dollars looking into the reality of the women on these dating sites and found that they are all deceptive in one way or another I did have a very good relationship with one of the girls from the site and she revealed to me that she worked for the company that owns the majority of the sites, I also have been contacted by some of the girls from the site when they took it upon themselves to get my personal information and contact me through Google hangouts and messenger,,  but in a short time it all goes south and they try to get you to send them money to pay for some or all of their tickets to visit you ! Yeah right! I have even been approached by women that ask for rent money and will  gladly pay you back when you are together! These are women that claim to be Doctors, lawyers and even heart surgeons. If you decide to take a chance on any of these sites don't start a chat right away watch the messages you get and check the personal photos that are being sent to you,  you will find that some of the women are wearing wedding rings yes that's right there are many women that are married and are there to take your money and are laughing all the way to the bank! Take it from me I have spoken to many girls off line that told me everything so it your choice,  but beware I warned you!!!!!!!!!

    • No names says:

      I have a slightly different story. I met and married a woman from one of the sites.I dont want to give to many specifics, in order to protect here.we did end up spliting up,largely due to the arguments that mostly stemmed from her jealousy.

      She did tell me that when I started chatting with her,it was a job for her. they get payed for emails,chat etc etc.if you send a gift,for example flowers.they get some of the money that it cost the man,they quite simply go to a florist,pick flowers up,take a picture to send to the man and put the flowers back. The more you spend,the more they make.

      I did travel over there a number of times…the women are gorgous.always well dressed and looking their best.her brother told me,he has 3 or 4 girlfriends all the cheat on their girlfriend's all the time and women cant do much about it.there are 4 women for every 1 man.women there have strong family values and ties and want to settle,men dont so much because there are so many women to choose from.this makes the women insainly jealous….but with good reason.

      There is a bigger devide between the social classes and a middle class doesnt exist so much from what I were badly paid,so its easy money for them to work on dating sites but it IS a job.

      By all means,women and beautiful ones at that are single over there,forget the websites and travel there.despite spliting with my wife.I have no regrets about meeting her and spending time in Ukraine .it was one of best times of my life.

  • Ricky says:

    Chat or go see a therapist?    Charmley – Looks to be mostly fake if not all fake.    Having gone thru a divorce I searched the web for a site that would introduce me to a hot Eastern Euro chick.   My Charmley account profile new vistitors is now over 7196 to be exact.

    I have used the site as a more mental health laugh as I new going in that most likely these are all fake, but I wanted to play the game and see what happens.   you have to pay 3000 credits,  or about $600 in usd to get the personal contact.     I did this with two profile ladies.     1)  A Russian after getting the 3000 credits,  she denys the direct contact, saying we dont know each other enough, really?    she even did a picture with my name on it…..   

    2nd one)   still to be determined,   I have her direct contact, but she says her GMail account is not working and can not use it.   I create a yahoo email for her, sent the information.  she says she cant read the yahoo to figure it out.   I did send her flowers via the site, and I recieved the picture, but I really question it.

    so if you are looking to pass some time,  use the chats as a way to mentally feel better, then use it like a casino bet,  money to lose, you never know,  but dont expect to win…….            I do have other sites, that I have a direct contact for months, so I tend to believe somewhat that there may indeed be some valid sites, but dont count on it.   Look it as a hobby, and not finding the love of your life on these sites.

  • Steve says:

    I found this sight about 2 weeks ago.   Although there may be a few women who are real, I don't think you will find anyone who is genuine.  It appears to be a job to keep you coming back.

  • tomas says:

    Well how foolish some people are- how can you spend so much money before you feel in nyour gut that it is all a scam? These nwomen are crazy- Buy a prostitute instead if you gonna pay. This is an industry has been and will always be- Thought to me it's funny how they can go on and still scam money. Amazing.

  • Kevin says:

    I always suspected it was a con! Now i know better… I never spent a penny though and always wondered where all these beautiful super model women well dressed came from? 


  • KNM says:

    Watch out for ID 7 0 1 2 6 5 6 on Charmerly

  • Dave N says:

    Do not use this site. After spending many hours on this site I am convinced everything about this site is a scam. You will be wasting your money. I question hows many woman are actually connected to the profile about the person. Also, if you get pictures with text me and their number THAT IS DEFINITELY A SCAM. They will say anything. The bottom line is they are trying to get money from you via Western Union or another source. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY WITH THIS SITE.

  • Richard says:

    Complete scam. Pretty pictures ans fantasies is about all! Don’t spend money.

  • David says:

    You want real women ?
    I just spent a week in Kiev with one. She is coming to US.

    • Admin says:

      Are all the women real? We will be reviewing to see if it’s actually legit.

      • David says:

        I am sure not all. I found 2 that were legit. It is FAR better than Charmerly for sure. What a waist.

      • Ted says:

        Thank you! Are you able to review Bravodate too? It may be new – I can’t find any reviews – but it sounds very similar to Charmerly. I’ve been having the most wonderful chats with one lady (FAR more entertaining than the norm!) who said she was only on Bravodate and chatting only with me – and was cross I was chatting with others! – and then I found her on USSR-STAR, Merry-Cherry (OneFromMillion), and Marmeladies. She denied this until I sent her screen shots, then said they were just sister sites (which seems accurate as they use the same photos) and she only used Bravodate, she didn’t have time for looking at the other sites. But as others have said here, no photos of her local street or views despite my requests, allowed me to spend a small fortune getting her email address, then said it was expensive for her to use email via VPN (I asked another national, who said it was free), no phone no. or postal address given. Always reasons why not.. And when she says she needs to sign out… she doesn’t! Another lovely lass said she’s communicating with me only, I suggested we communicate off-site, she said she liked the site (despite knowing how expensive it is for me) – why would she like the site..??!! Thank you for what you do.

  • Simon says:

    Complete scam. None will communicate off site. Try asking for an instant selfie and they will come up with all sorts of excuses why they cant. Steer clear. Site should definetly be shut down.

  • Paul says:

    I recently have the same girl name oksana said she was 35 single mother of one son ID number 7848383 turned out to be a total lie she’s on every site she is a site employee they on many it’s a total rip off I talked her for 6 months was a complete gentleman was never nasty and there is no compassion by the people who own this site It’s all about ripping off American men there should be a lawsuit

    • David says:

      Someone ought to report this site to the FBI fraud department. I am thinking about it. They need to be shutdown. Total joke. But “pay of you play”. I have spent money here but it is just a hobby. Nothing more. Chicks won’t leave the site to save their mother.!

  • Paul says:

    The badd thing is is I’m just so tired of stuck up material American women that I used this site and I went through many and never joined but I joined this one just to talk to her I am an honest hard working single father of 2 daughters since they were 3 and 5 I am a good looking man and I make good money But I live in a small town where there are 3 milk Terry bases and it is a sausage fest here this is the worst town in the world to be single in is Beaufort South Carolina

  • JG says:

    ID 7012656… Total scammer. Stay away from the site altogether! Not worth the trouble looking for a genuine girl among an ocean of fakes

  • Brent says:

    From my customer service request to close my account after 3rd day and not a dime spent
    Jan 7, 07:56 EET
    TO the crew,
    I have recently decided to see what all the advertisements were about. Charmerly being one. Instantly, it became obvious to me that the women were predominately Ukrainian so the add didn’t lie, they are women I wont find in my home town. I am a well traveled man and have been to the Ukraine, Russia, Latvia and many other countries as such. In fact I have translation dictionaries for no less than 15 languages as compared to English. I am currently single so the location of the women isn’t a problem, Likely never would have been if I didn’t receive messages in my email from Charmerly with in 24 hours of members that “May be a match for me” only the locations being in the US and the images including instructions to text them on a US cell number. This of course made me wonder if not all female patrons were actually in the Ukraine. Following a simple area code search I decided to try the first and her story reminded of the Saudi Prince that wanted me to place a deposit in hold for him with a promise to be paid quite nicely for doing it for a short time. After 2 suggestions in email, I determined that the 2 women I followed up with in text, both from different locations in the states, had the same sob story of a fathers passing in Ghana so I told the second to look up the first. Then another that was from Hawaii, the islands, as it turns out, I also know well, so area code was simple but Ewa Beach is not on the big island.. I had to figure out how to block these frauds but I think my efforts will have to be duplicated daily as those that visit my honest profile don’t try to hide behind a name, Here is one example, whos screen name is “Text Me (734)288-7692” a 48 year old that appears younger than my 20 year old daughter.
    Either you been hacked by some 350 lb hairy men that collect pictures of girls and manipulate them Or I guess could be actual be pretty young girls that don’t know their own ages, or your verification process fails miserably and actually believes “Texx me” or any version thereof is a damn name.
    I wont be contributing in any form for the site and that’s a shame because truly there are lonely people that the distance is a simple solution to make up.

  • David says:

    I just requested a refund from Charmerly and they are in the process of granting it. I found a loop hole. Email me if you want it.
    [email protected]

  • JG says:

    Despite all the comments above if you think your girl/lady night be the rare true profile on this site and you want to pursue with her as a soulmate, think again!

    You have a better chance at finding a stripper/hooker with a heart of gold!!

  • john says:

    Hi Dave
    Just read your message sounds interested been using this site for about a month I too think its a scam but cannot prove it talking to an interesting person ( Lady ? wonder if you have had conversation seem to be ok but seems too good to be true if you have any details of her be be grateful wears a black flowed black belt and with long brown hair very attractive :- ID 2762678975 Anna 26 never seems to be away ) I too think I`m wasting my time as you Know you have to pay 3000 credits to get details witch i have done refused contact details 3 times wanting to do as you are doing Appreciate Any help given looking forward to your reply John. Email Address :[email protected]

  • Hanno says:

    I have worm my way around or all of their sights Victoria hearts charmingly rendezvous there all fakes every single one

  • Showtime says:

    Ok some of these women are real I met 3 of them in Kiev last month and they tried to communicate with me on there when they already have my email they admitted they get paid to sucker guys in to spending tons of money but they do it because wages are so low even we could not live on it one of our aud dollars are 28 of there’s yes to us it is so cheap to go there but the girls in real are the most beautiful I have ever met if you’re really keen for a Ukraine woman go there don’t waist your money on dating sites I have learnt that and that’s why I went there I met the most beautiful woman and we are planning to get married so travel guys enjoy your holiday the woman are easy to talk to in real life which surprised me but it is true even if you don’t speak there language they are wiltto help you

  • Joseph A. Lomsak says:

    You are spot on with this accusation! Bravo date and Charmerly are the same BS deal! The lady I was talking to was on both sites saying the same thing. She denied it and wanted to have a screen shot of this. Claimed I was wrong! I told her to send me a e-mail confirming her whereabouts! Ya Right!!!! Stay away from these sites!!!! Buy Credits, Buy Credits is all the know! It is a money making scam for them. I asked her to talk to me at my personal e-mail address, she replied the company has rules against this sort of action! Right, Company? she is a hired hand! Total BS from her. My last advice to all!!!! Danger Will Robertson!!!! Danger!

    • Lori says:

      Is this a site you have to pay for to join & if not why am I receiveing emails from this sight?

      • Roger says:

        Hi lori. My name is william. Please write me a intricate time line of your hopes and dreams so i may get better insight in to what is lori besides just outspoken honest female originayed tact and ponderance. Quite confusing but youll simply amaze me. Make it a story. Not fox news and all gory. But just hey im 40. And find daytime talk show host humor in your likeness to maury. Ill even let you call me kori. Fret not no worry i desire to not hurry. Plrase and thank you. Respectfully w/admiraration Mr. Meads …my pci; [email protected]

  • Brian says:

    What’s your opinion on conversations with them and you’ve been sent over 20 pictures from her that are all the same woman in different poses, locations, facial expressions? I can’t think she isn’t real or a mannequin. Talks with great knowledge of city she claims to be from.

  • Alex says:

    I will tell you a little bit more about it. I went to Odesa at the end of 2013. Met the girl there and few other people. So, Anastasiadate, Charmerly, … are organisations on the top and they are fully aware of the business techniques of their suppliers (local agencies). But they dont care, as they make a lot of money (as somene said – men pay up to 100 € daily). Local agencies work witth “pimps”. In “my case” this is (used to be) a teacher, who looks for young girls/women. He organises photo shootings and all what it is needed. Then they make a deal how they will split the money. One pimp takes care about at least 10 girls. He sits at the computer at home and communicate with the men – with multiple profiles online. When the man comes to Odesa, the pimp is translator and makes money with this service too. At the same time he takes care about his girl – touching is for special occasions only, kissing is out of a questions. But gifts are allowed, expensive dinners (for the girl and translator) too. So, the pimp I know is doing great in financial way. The girl too. She doesnt work, she has the best phones, expensive clothes, … each year better and better. So, it is not only about cover agencies like charmerly, anastasia, … The whole organisation is each year more advanced. So, … Even if the girl would like to get married and leave, the pimp wont let her (he would lose money). Usually pimps are highly educated and/or very manipulative with words. Woman are usually from suburbia, or from poor families from the city, without any education and are easy to be manipulated. For the end … What you see on dating sites, is what you cannot find in (for example) in Odesa. This photos are usually so manipulated that you cannot recognize the women in real life, even though she wares a lot of make up.
    So, there is better chance that you will have a plane crash when flying to Ukraine, than to meet one women in real from this site.
    Look for UA/RU dating sites, which charge monthly fee (for example 30 €/month), without any limitations in number od sent/received emails. You will see how many women will contact you and what the age difference will be.

  • Alex says:

    I will tell you a little bit more about it. I went to Odesa at the end of 2013. Met the girl there and few other people. Anastasiadate, Charmerly, … are organisations on the top and they are fully aware of the business techniques of their suppliers (local agencies). But they dont care, as they make a lot of money (as someone said – men pay up to 100 € daily in average). Local agencies work with “pimps”. In “my case” this is (used to be) a teacher, who looks for girls and young women. He organises photo shootings and all what it is needed (check their clothes, for example; how can they afford them with their incomes!?). Then they make a deal how they will split the money. One pimp takes care about at least 10 girls. He sits at the computer at home and communicate with the men – with multiple profiles online (yes, sometimes you communicate with men). When the man comes to Odesa, the pimp is translator and makes money with this service too. At the same time he takes care about his girl – touching (holding hands and another innocent actions) is for special occasions only, kissing is out of a questions. But gifts are allowed, expensive dinners (for the girl and translator) too. So, the pimp I know is doing great in financial way. The girl too. She doesnt work, she has the best phones, expensive clothes, … each year better and better. So, it is not only about cover agencies like Charmerly, Anastasia, … The whole organisation is each year more advanced. There is more. Even if the girl would like to get married and leave, the pimp wont let her (he would lose money). Usually pimps are highly educated and/or very manipulative with words. Woman are usually from suburbia, or from poor families from the city, without any education and are easy to be manipulated. One female translator told me that she is in this business for years and she knows only one couple who actually got married.
    Also important! What you see on dating sites, is what you cannot find in (for example) Odesa. These photos are usually so manipulated that you cannot recognize the women from photos in real life, even though they have a lot of make up on them.
    So, there is better chance that you will have a plane crash when flying to Ukraine, than to meet one women in real from this site and who would actually be interested in getting to know you better.
    Look for UA/RU dating sites, which charge monthly fee (for example 30 €/month), without any limitations in number of sent/received emails. You will see how many women will contact you (probably none of them and you will need to do the first step) and what the age difference will be (20 yrs old woman interested in 50 years old men? Never in a milion years).

  • Brian says:

    I somehow sent myself a wink on this site, and a message and mail. Don’t waste your time or money. Fake fake fake.

  • Jack says:

    Always looking for something new and at the scambeley website I found a new twist! Some models have names textme! And the phone number to call. / text. All are willing to chat and send naked pictures to you and have a great story. This is just plain bait to reel you into the I need love! And to send you move pictures and more well placed smoke rings! You must send a iTunes card. Or other gift card to them. Then you get more demands from other so called ladies that send nude pictures and beg for cards. It seems that the textme clan operators are all from ghana. But one has to wonder why a website would allow such offsite traffic to happen in the first place.looks look like another way to make extra $$$$ 😄😄😄

  • James says:

    Totally FAKE, FAKE, FAKE.
    Call the credit company and file a complain.

  • ray says:

    i use victoria hearts and many other sites…. i once asked the person on…. contact us…. if the women on the site were real…. they said yes they are real…. because all these dating sites are fraud…. all they want is money

  • DavidL says:

    The woman are there only to keep you communicating on the site. Even after you’ve spent enough to get their contacts, it is usually only just their email id. They will hardly ever send anything, but will read what you send. But they will have excuses when it comes to sending mails – unable to attach, unable to send, cannot access mail from work!

    I was communicating with ID 7012656. She claimed all of the above, then I created a mail ID in same domain, a Ukrainian one, and tested. Lo and behold! I was able to communicate to myself from that mail ID. So she had been lying all along.

    I even think the mail ID shared isn’t the girl’s regular mail ID. It is just something that the agency creates and has access to. They certainly monitor what’s shared by the girl, if at all anything is sent by the girl.

  • RodrigoH says:

    I see a few guys have reported 7012656. She is a scammer, definitely. I created multiple IDs and communicated with her. Her name is Victoria/Viktoria and she is from Kiev. She is certainly employed with the agency.

  • PeterB says:

    It’s so funny having fun at Charmerly annoying them by liking every single photo from every single message/mail I get from all these 18-30 year old ‘supermodel’ types (some older ones too)…I’m 47 !!!
    I just go to the profiles and ‘like’, ”wink’ and add to my ‘favourites’, never paid anything never will, just to annoy them.

    • tunis says:

      Yes I am 70 years and i have been having fun with these good looking women.Not a single cent has been parted.I know this is a big scam.Infact some pictures i put on the internet.OK to pass tome,but now I got tiredand left their Ukranian site,now on Chinese site.Maybe now I am tired.Do not I say never share your credit card information.Initially just $2.99,then these liptards will increase and every contribution they will tap more and more cash.Just have fun looking at all the beauties free of charge.

  • Kroy Wen says:

    Hello everybody!
    I am surprised that some of you paid more than ccouple bucks.
    This scam is so obvious!
    I think that they pay girls one time for their pictures and probably sign some kind of agreement with them to use their pics as they please. If some poor looser spends a lot of money and asking for very specific pictures, they contact the girl and pay her to take those pictures for him.
    From your comments here it looks like they make good money.

  • Pelillo says:

    Yes i was not long time ago to day in first i logged in after first credit wellcome after quick write some and credit finished the same lady was connected me and the first credit i not come to conclusion so then i try pay for continued with same lady 2,99 euro i payd first time and the lady i asked i write one time and i ask direct question if you like me and have serious intension we can meeting in ukraine by the way i known ukraine 15 years i have friends i can give phonenumber for ask about me they known me 6 years if you finde me sympatic then allways have facebook or viber and can continued so the answere from she or what ever was on background answere me it more confortable write on site im not stupid i answered if you interest in some and allways write me i prefear spend money by meeting with you in ukraine and spend these money on a good restaurant at to finance a money industrie if ok good if not allways it ok i write one time short clear if nothink do then stop i sed she if you prepear to made a serious meeting quick send viber or facebook for contact if not i not goes pay credit for other pockets after come credit 30 euro but i not payd only thes 3 euro and out from these carbage of cheater after same lady write me i like serious relation i write ladt word but not on site self say me this eye by eye before no go thats it and out

  • Kyle says:

    The fact that they don’t have any testimonials from happy couples is such an obvious giveaway

  • Jysco says: is a complete scam, I wasted my money on it

  • DavidL says:

    The fact that this site and other similar ones don’t have testimonials of happy couples should be a dead giveaway

  • Mikey says:

    Charmerly is yet another site to scam lonely/desperate out of s much money as possible as quickly as possible. Please don’t think for a New York minute that the photo of the gorgeous babe with whom you are PAYING to correspond is the one in the photo because more than likely it’s not.

  • Todd Milliken says:

    Thank you thank you thank you one and all for sharing your stories. I am such an idiot. LOL I’m not out much but enough to sting. I like the free credits. It’s a little taste, like drug dealers give to potential new clients. Then it really kicks in. 50 credits ($10 US) to open a video….the ones (yes that’s plural) I saw were of the girl flirting and blowing kisses. At me? Yeah, more like symbolic of kissing my money bye-bye. Lesson learned.

  • RodrigoH says:

    And very likely that the same girl is available on multiple sites – Charmerly, BravoDate, VictoriaBrides and VictoriaHearts. I found the girl I was communicating with on all four, with the same ID. Her name is Victoria (ID 7012656), from Kiev. Her email address is victoriyashestaka (at) meta (dot) ua

  • GJM says:

    Hi everyone all of these scam dating sites is there anyway of getting our money back. I was on Bravodate (just cancelled them) & when I Googled it, it says it is a safe & legit site. Then by accident I found out on YouTube that they are a scam site, I mean who regulates these sites. Shut down Bravodate & get our monies back.

  • […] piece by piece exactly why in our opinion we would not trust this website. You can read the full review of here, and our review of From what we’ve gathered so far it looks like […]

  • RodrigoH says:

    I even engaged the services of a detective agency and they confirm that the name, date of birth might all be fake because they weren’t able find the person on the National Register. So the site is giving them “Validated member” label without any authenticated identification.

  • Kenneth moon says:

    I never completed the about me section and I receive email, messages and stuff from different women. Sounds like a big scam to me anyone else have or feel the same way

  • Marius says:

    I also found out this is a scam and took screen shots which I would like to post with photos

  • […] is the same as,, and, they are all the same. None of them can be […]

  • […] information in this review so if you actually want to find out if is real or not just click on the link and it’ll take you to the original review where you can read everything for […]

  • […] websites we've already exposed for being phony. These sites include,, and […]

  • John says:

    I recently joined. Mostly european women to die for, really??? then I started seeing the local us gorls with textme numbers and invites to meet them on hangouts. my email and name are ficticious. I decided to add my gmail to a profile pic and it didn't take long before I was contacted by a pretty young blonde calling herself Victoria- Vikkee in Charmerly. She was a sweetheart and sent some innocent pics. When I told her I was too old for her and kept putting her off she said ok, thanks for talking. Then out of the blue lets fuck! All I had to do was get her a gift card from Walmart. Then came some steamy pics. In the App you just see the pic but on yhe computer the pic opens up into another window with the source of the pic on the web. One picture said it came from a different name on facebook. Sure enough it was her on facebook with those same poses and many more. Probably just using the pics, who knows for sure. Anyway I called her on it. A bit of a surprise I'm sure. Then it was a song and dance how her parents died and she was taking care of her Granny in Alabama. OMG, inside I was just laughing my ass off. Then she wanted me to send her a Steam Wallet card so she could get food. I finally blocked her. Shortly after I got another message from Stacy in Ghana. Same song and dance, wanting a Steam Wallet card from walmart to have enough data to video sex me…. Its kinda fun knowing it aint real!

  • Drew Farion says:

    Is there anyway you can get the lady to prove to you that she is real. For example ask them to take a 'silfie' holding up two fingrs in a white t-shirt? Obviously if they can not upload the selfie then you are talking to someone in Ghana. But what if they did send you that pictire… would that suffice that they are real? Please advise Drew A F. PS: Does anyone else out there have a better idea?

  • Navarro Dalton says:

    I fell for this con hook line and sinker. Beautiful women supposedly writing you and telling you how handsome you are. Spent more than $3,000 on “credits”. The girls try to keep you chatting about stupid stuff just to make you spend all of your credits so you end up buying more. They’d send provocative photos of them as long as you send them “stickers”. Never mind that you end up paying about $10 to send said stickers. They send you a 10 second video of them smiling into the camera. 50 credits gone. If they send you picture through the mail service, if you open more than the first one, you get charged for each photo, make that each time you open them. 

    This site preys on men that may be sincerely looking for a life partner. I’m not a bad looking guy and have no problem getting dates. After a failed marriage, I heard about girls in Ukraine and thought I’d give it a go. I wanted to believe that these beautiful model type women were really into me. There may be a girl behind the photo that is somehow connected. I ask one girl to send me a photo of her holding up a piece of paper with my name written on it. A couple of days later, she sent it. Upon looking at it, the image was obviously photoshopped. 

    The hires people to talk to men getting on the site. They send out thousands of ice breaker questions and as soon as someone answers one, I believe the computer connects them with a person that works for the company and pretends to be the girl in the photo. Here’s how I know that I was not talking to the girl in the photo. She was online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

    The girl I spend most of my time chatting with was on another site using the same name, but she had a different job, background and future goals. I asked her about that and she said that someone must have stolen her pictures.

    In the end, I was scammed out of thousands of dollars to talk with an actor.

  • […] website is connected to many other phony dating sites (, that we have exposed in the past. The people behind these websites don’t […]

  • Nico says:

    If you believe the replies to be written by staff members of these sites, you should check out the one known as RipperFling, I think from the Netherlands. Not only vile in what one particular writer says, but so obviously the same guy, right down to the Emojis used (😬 being a fav.). Lots of Weed being smoked, one would suspect!! Also, bored as Batshit, …and needing a Good Laugh, they would sometimes send you photos of Women 70 & Very Much Over!😝 … I wonder where they’d get those from?! Or maybe they paid for them, – ON PURPOSE, for non-suckers like me, who never bought anything, or rather, weren’t so stupid enough to lose any money to them!! Incidentally, I used to have a Really good laugh, at just how overly- “Worked-Up”!! – this guy would get, and some of the Implorations he’d use, to try to get me ‘to want to contact’ the subjects in the photos! Even funnier (worse!) were some of the bogusly-serious suggestios to do so with the “Grannies” in full frontals!! Once I quell my initial Gagg reflex, many a time my guts hurt, because I couldn’t stop laughing!!😂🤣

  • Don says:

    If you reverse charges back on your credit/debit card they have to pay. Just report fraudulent and boom your money is back. I got $4500 back but they deleted my profile. Ha

  • james anderson says:

    I would like to know more about fake profiles on charmerly and Anastasia date

  • Frank says:

    When you try to deal with support, informing that something is wrong with lady’ comunication – example even after exchanging contact details, the lady will continue to use the paid service instead using private contact – support will “pretend” to get in touch with the lady and by miracle she will appear privately – after that email, she will keep writing on the dating site. They will never agree to have a private video call or exchange personal phone number.

    Charmerly and its clone Victoriahearts are just milking money from men, there is no genuine interest to provide a honest service.

  • David Dawe says:

    I’m stupid, l spent 25,000.00 on Olga Visa 10,000.00 we went on Telegram to save money and make plans for the future.
    Now still alone and I will lose my house in 3 mouth. Can’t find a job spent my savings. And still alone

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